All our teenage life is thought to be made out of two things ( at least in the way our parents understand it ) : school and fun. Obviously fun gets the second place because "priority" never gets to be an attribute for it. Of course, we have all made compromises in order to save some time for ourselves and relax, rather than study heart-broken, thinking of how quickly spring is coming and everything is blooming outside without us. The thing that we might actually treat with less importance than necessary is the satisfaction that our work brings with itself. I’ve never regretted a day of pure study that finally ended up with a success! It is not about what the others teach you, what kind of pieces of advice someone gives you, but all about your love for what you do and the amount of passion involved.
This is what I am going to talk about: the “tender love” of English recognized by everyone on this planet. How can you accomplish this? How can you make them all know you’re the biggest fan of a language that hasn’t been called a cliché although it stands its ground for such a long time? Or how can you actually improve your skills in order not to feel disconcerted? There is one simple and extremely reasonable answer to all that…and that is a classic exam, BUT with outstanding futures. No worries about its complexity or such details, as you have plenty of documentation and time to prepare. Also, no worries about the levels of knowledge because a CAMBRIDGE exam can be either FCE ( a first certificate with which you can prove your upper-intermediate skills without worrying about its recognition, as it is internationally accepted ) or a CAE ( involving advanced knowledge with the same world wide recognition and viability ).
Therefore, your “lights are shining bright” and you can improve or prove your qualities otherwise than through pure conversation and trust; you will have something with which you can certify and admit your talent or strong will. Not only will your friends and relatives know about it, but you will have the opportunity to apply for a well known university abroad, or simply just raise the quality of your future CV, so that competition lowers considerably. If it becomes an ambition and you decide not to quit easily, than all the advantages are on your side: you will learn new things each and every day of practice, you will gain the experience of an internationally given exam ( emotions which you will overcome and, therefore, gather much more confidence) and last but not least, you will be proud of yourself and join the vast community of self trusting people that have no limits at all.
So, look at yourself in the mirror and smile. Yes, it is the smile of a future accomplished English student that doesn’t back up, no matter what. It is the smile of a conqueror.
Acest articol este scris pentru concursul organizat de centrul de invatare a limbii engleze Shakespeare School, în parteneriat cu